Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Halloween Handouts

I have been having the most fun making these ridiculously cute things for the Halloween Handouts class!  These are neat, quick little goodies you can make to give to friends, neighbors, co-workers, anyone really!  If you're really ambitious, you could even make these to give out as Halloween treats to your neighbor children!

The class is $20, and you will be making between 12 - 15 projects (I haven't worked that out yet).  All of the materials including bags are included, but NOT the candy.  You can now sign up for classes right here on the blog using the PayPal button on the upper right side.  There's a drop down menu for the upcoming classes.  Just choose the one you want, and you're all set to go!

Okay, now...the projects:

The envelope on the right holds two miniature candy bars wrapped with a strip of coordinating paper.

The "Goblin Greetings" one holds a pack of gum, the "Boooo" one will hold pixie sticks or individually wrapped licorice, and the last one holds a single miniature candy bar.

The one on the left is another single mini candy bar, and the one on the right holds a box of TicTacs.
Keep watching the blog to see more!